IATA Area: 1

Capital: San José (SJO)

Local Time: GMT -6



San Jose -SJO


1.2.2 Storage

Uncleared goods will be stored at the Customs Airport Warehouse up to 90 days with possible extension up to one year upon application.

Inflammable goods may remain stored for 10 day only. Afterwards goods will be auctioned.

Cold storage: Available.

Safe for valuables: Available.

1.2.3 Clearance

At the airport by delivering carrier, consignee or broker.

1.2.4 Customs hours

Monday through Friday 08.00 – 17.00 hrs. Clearance outside Customs hours possible at all time and for any consignment against payment of overtime fee.



2.1.1. Packing

Hay, straw or used bags are prohibited.

2.1.4. Language on documentsSpanish

2.1.5 Other RequirementsAWB: Description of goods must be in full  accordance with Commercial Invoice. Value of goods and freight charges to be shown in USD. At least 6 copies per consignment.


2.2.1 Commercial consignments,Commercial Invoices signed by shipper (2 copies by airmail to consignee, 3 copies with consignment), containing:

Full name and address of both shipper and consignee,

Date and place of despatch,

Station of both departure and destination,

Country of origin,

Date of shipment,

Quantity of package,

Marks numbers and kind of package,

Contents of each package, with detailed description of each article,

Net weight of each kind of article and gross weight of each package in kg,

Unit price and total of each article

CIF and FOB value and specification of transportation – and other charges; the following sworn statement signed by shipper, with title of individual, if signed for firm, etc, to be included: “El infrascrito …… declara y jura, ser …. de la casa de comercio ….. de esta ciudad, calle ….. no ….. que son ciertos los precios y demás datos consignados em la presente factura, haciéndose responsable con firma destinataria por cuakquiera ilegalidad o inexactitd que en ulteriores investigaciones pudiera constatarse”

”Declaramos bajo juramento que todos los particulares expresados en esta factura son verdaderos y correctos y que la mercadería es de origen de ….”, if errors are discovered in the Commercial invoice, a corrected invoice should be sent to consignee who can clear the goods on deposit of a fee provided he undertakes to supply the correct invoice within 90 days.

Import Licence for certain goods

2.2.2 Sample consignments

Value USD 25.00 or less: 3 Pro Forma Invoices.

Value over USD 25.00: See 2.2.1

2.2.3 Gift consignments

Value USD 25.00 o less: No Invoices required, provided the AWB is duly signed by shipper.

Value over USD 25.00: 3 Commercial Invoices or Declarations of Value.


2.2.4 Unaccompanied baggage

Lists of Contents. The baggage must be arrive not more than 3 months after the passenger.

By TACT Rules – June 2014

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